Sunday, April 6, 2008

Phillips Bible Translation

I love the Phillips translation of the Bible. It is like the Amplified Bible but easier and more natural to read. Read this for example, II Corinthians 6:3–10: “…We want to prove ourselves genuine ministers of God whatever we have to go through—patient endurance of troubles or even disasters, being flogged or imprisoned; being mobbed, having to work like slaves, having to go without food or sleep. … Our sole defence [sic], our only weapon, is a life of integrity, whether we meet honour or dishonour, praise or blame. Called ‘imposters’ we must be true, called ‘nobodies’ we must be in the public eye. Never far from death, yet here we are alive, always ‘going through it’ yet never ‘going under.’ We know sorrow, yet our joy is inextinguishable. We have ‘nothing to bless ourselves with’ yet we bless many others with true riches. We are penniless, and yet in reality we have everything worth having.” (J. B. Phillips Translation)

Man, if that doesn't describe the Christian's walk! How often we forget that we experience a dual reality. While possessing nothing we posses all things. We are like Christ in this world and for the same purpose. This life is for them. To live is Christ and to die is gain. We are a drink offering for our brethren.

So let us rejoice this Sunday that God has deemed us worthy to suffer persecution and misunderstandings along with Christ. Let us celebrate His Victory! In this world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, because He has overcome the world and because He lives we can and will face tomorrow. This is the Victory that overcomes the world, even our faith!

Grace and Peace,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ed - I have just found the Phillips translation and it has reawakened my love for the scriptures. I was just reading and rereading 2 Peter 2 today and overwhelmed by what Christ has done for us... overwhelmed...